Beautiful Village of "Masouleh", Gilan, Iran

Masouleh is a village in the Gilan Province of Iran. Historical names for the village include "Maasalar" and "Khortab". It was founded in the 10th century, and its current population is estimated to be around 800 persons.
Geography and climate
Masouleh is approximately 60 km southwest of Rasht - center of the province of Gilan - and 25 km west of Fuman. The village is 1050 meters above sea level in the Alborz mountain range, near the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. The village itself has a difference in elevation of 100 meters.
Fog is the predominate weather feature of Masouleh.
Masouleh architecture is unique. The buildings have been built into the mountain and are interconnected. Courtyards and roofs both serve as pedestrian areas similar to streets. Masouleh does not allow any motor vehicles to enter, due to its unique layout. It is the only village in Iran with such a prohibition. However, the small streets and many stairs simply also wouldn't make it possible for vehicles to enter.
Yellow clay coats the exterior of most buildings in Masouleh. This allows for better visibility in the fog.
["Masouleh" amazingly beautiful village in the province of Gilan, Iran. Courtesy of Wikipedia, Free online encyclopedia.
Photo: "Gilan, Village of Masouleh" by Said Mahmoudi Aznaveh"]
برای ایران و ایرانی این نام(ماسوله) یادآور سردار جنگل؛ میرزا کوچک خان است
Beautiful natural scenes, unique architechral design and kind people come together to make masouleh like a heaven on the earth.
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