"Kuchalara Su Sapmisham"

Waiting for my beloved, I have sprinkled the alley with water...
May there be no dust on her clothes...and because of the dust, my love gets hurt of me...
Waiting for my beloved, I have sprinkled the alley with water...
I have put fire in samovar, I have poured sugar in the cups, I have prepared the tea...
But, what should I do, my love has gone and I am all alone...
How sweet is the memory of my beloved, how dear is this love to me...
Waiting for my beloved, I have sprinkled the alley with water...
Waiting for my beloved, I have sprinkled the alley with water...
[The poem "Kuchalara Su Sapmisham", is one of the most emotional and beautifully subtle folk Azeri love songs.
The poem is talking about a lover waiting for a dear guest as the love of his life. The guy has sprinkled the streets with water and cleaned them out of dust in order to show how much care he shows towards his beloved.
The extraordinarly subtle point here is that he is doing all these only to the memory of his beloved because this love does not seem that promising and the person is all alone complaining of this bitter seperation.
This song has been performed by late Azeri Tenor legend, Rashid Behbudov and may be heard by clicking here]
Hello Dear Haghgoo;
I am not Azeri Persian, but I love this song, is there anywhere than I can get the lyrics to this song in Azeri. I searched the whole internet but I could not find the Azeri version.The only available ones are the translations. I would really appreciate it if you can help me with finding the lyrics to it; because I would like to play this song on the guitar for my Canadian friends and sing along with it.
Thanks sincerely
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