
To one and the only one, to the most eternal, to the most compassionate, to the most beloved, to the most beautiful, to the most powerful and to the most merciful...
To one who created all the heavens and universe...created all the humans and honered them to be his servants to serve other people and to find their ways towards him...
To one whose favor to them went beyond by sending down prophets - as very special humans - to show them the way...
To one who never sleeps, who never dies, who never have had a child and nothing is like him in the whole the only one who never forgets his creatures...every and each one of them...all of the creatures...
To the only one I always find his door open to run the only one I always find his face smiling to share all my misery of a sinful person I am...To the only one I always dare to express all my repentance several several times...
To the only one who is the best support for the disappointed...for the vulnerable...the only one who never forgets the forgotten...who never closes his eternal doors of mercy to the faces of his people...
To the most beloved, to the most merciful, to the most beautiful...
[Photo: courtesy of "Rain" photoblog by Mr. Mehdi Ahmadizadeh]
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