Mr. Dictator! , Here is "The End"... (I)
As a young man who had spent all his childhood experiencing nothing but brutal violence and strict tribal regulations...he had a great desire for political power, killing, terror, violence and revenge...
"Saddam at the age of 19, passionate of power through any kind of terrorist acts and assasinations"
Becoming the dictator of Iraq, Saddam always had the dream of becoming the leader of the Arab world...It is interesting to see that all the dictators more or less have illusions of leading a large number of people assuming their own evil beliefs as the only true way of thinking...
Saddam's Pan-Arabian beliefs had made him so famous in the eyes of his other dictator peers...
"Saddam shaking hand with Arafat, greeting of two Pan-Arabian leaders"
As a predator of press freedom and a person imposing heavy censorship on Iraqi media, Saddam had introduced himself as "Man of God" expressing his evil thirst for power as a "holy" message...
"A wallpaper showing Saddam as a sincere pilgrim"
Saddam's hunger for power extended the borders of Iraq when he decided to invade Iran to separate the province of Khuzestan in 1980.
Saddam had always dreamed of attaching the oil-rich Iranian province of Khuzestan to Iraq claiming that the most majority of its inhabitants are Arabs.
The revolution in 1979 and chaos in Iranian army as a result, determined him to follow his dream by military occupation of southwestern cities of Iran especially the major ports of Khorramshahr and Abadan enjoying great support of world superpowers.
"Donald Rumsfeld shaking hand with Saddam assuring him of unlimited future supports, Dec. 20th 1983"
[Photo: Courtesy of US Department of Defense (DOD), The National Security Archive, an independant non-government library at The George Washington University]
Granted to be supported by world powers, Saddam entered an 8-year war with Iran at which several-hundred thousands of innocent civilians been killed, woundeded, tortured and disappeared.
Extensive use of all kinds of illigal weapons such as biological bombs, chemical weapons and even toy bombs to kill the innocent children were all authorized by Saddam. Many cities were completely burnt down to the ground...ruined economics and poverty as some bare direct results of this imposed war for the people of both countries...
"Saddam's 8-year-long imposed war on Iran aiming to separate Iranian southwestern province of Khuzestan"
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