Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) or National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) ?

In the memory of a man who stood tall and made difference:
In the very last days of Persian calendar year 1329, (March 1951), Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh asked for all the parliament members of Iran to attend the special meeting and vote for the proposal he had been preparing for long time on nationalizing the Iranian oil resources which have been in the hands of the British authorities for long time ...
The name "Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC)" has changed to "National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC)" afterwards...

[...By 1944, Mosaddegh was once again elected to parliament. This time he took the lead of Jebhe Melli (National Front of Iran), an organization he had founded, aiming to establish democracy and end the foreign presence in Iranian politics, especially regarding the exploitation of Iran's rich oil resources by the "Anglo-Iranian Oil Company" (AIOC).
After negotiations for higher oil royalties failed, on 15 March 1951 the Iranian parliament voted to nationalize Iran's oil industry and seized control of the British-owned and operated AIOC. Prime Minister General Haj-Ali Razmara, elected in June 1950, had opposed the nationalization bill on technical grounds...]
[Text from Wikipedia, largest online free encyclopedia]
[Photo: Time Magazine (June 4th, 1951), after the winning proposal of Iranian oil industry nationalization, courtesy of
Photo: Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh, courtesy of Wikipedia]
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