Mr. Dictator! , Here is "The End"... (III)

There are some names in the memory of history associated with blood, mass-murder, genocide, terror and torture...
Names such as Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Augusto Pinochet, Slobodan Milosevic...and many more...and now Saddam Hussein al-Takriti...
You know, some names make the whole humanity be ashamed...
"Saddam" is for sure one of those names in the minds of almost all Iranian families and Kurds...especially in the minds of those who have lost their beloved ones as a result of his blood-thirst...those who have been tortured in Baath prisons and those who even now are suffering from awfully damaged lungs (Because of extensive use of chemical weapons by Iraqi army), broken neural systems and the minds of war handicaps, refugees, orphans and in the memory of all humans...
Saddam was the real tangible example of a dictator for me and my generation, his government of terror, his thirst for power and blood, his destiny...the happiness of Iraqis when his statue was fallen...his illusions, his execusion, his death...
Saddam was one of those names that history will never a a shame for a criminal born in 1937 and executed in 2006 for crimes against humanity...
در گذرگاه زمان
خيمه شب بازي دهر،
با همه تلخي و شيريني خود مي گذرد.
عشق ها مي ميرند
رنگ ها رنگ دگر مي گيرند
و فقط خاطره هاست
که چه شيرين و چه تلخ
دست نا خورده به جا مي ماند
زندگي صحنه يکتاي هنرمندي ماست
هر کسي نغمۀ خود خواند و از صحنه رود
صحنه پيوسته به جاست
خرم آن نغمه که مردم بسپارند به ياد
[Photo: Courtesy of CNN, Execution of Saddam Hussein al-Takriti, Dec. 30th, 2006]
The poem was very nice, ziba!
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