Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring is on the way...

بوي عيدي، بوي توت، بوي كاغذرنگي
بوي تند ماهي‌دودي وسط سفره‌ي نو
بوي ياس جانماز ترمه‌ي مادربزرگ
شادي شکستن قلک پول
وحشت کم شدن سکه‌ي عيدي از شمردن زياد
بوي اسکناس تانخورده‌ي لاي کتاب
برق کفش جفت ‌شده تو گنجه‌ها
عشق يک ستاره ساختن با دولک
ترس ناتموم گذاشتن جريمه‌هاي عيد مدرسه
بوي گل محمدي كه خشک شده لاي کتاب
بوي باغ‌چه، بوي حوض، عطر خوب نذري
شب جمعه پي فانوس توي كوچه گم شدن
توي جوي لاجوردي هوس يه آب‌تني
با اينا زمستونو سر مي‌کنم
با اينا خستگيمو در مي‌کنم

[Thanks to Dear Amir Akbari for sharing the beautiful poem "koodakaneh" by late Farhad Mehrad (1943-2002)
Photo: Haft-seen, traditional ceremonial celebration of Nowrooz (Persian New Year), March 20th every year at the exact time of vernal-equinox]


Blogger Bahar said...

I don't what was missing that I had to leave Iran ... but I know that part of me was left behind and it always be.
I love this poem because it talks about the simplest joys in life that we might never admire until they are lost.

Ye gharibeh

3:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes. Talking about simple and valuable joys which sometimes we miss in our life makes this poem beautiful.

9:23 PM  

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