Can't wait to announce the good news?

"Try not to leave any money on the table !", is perhaps the first and one of the essential things you would be told sitting in any management or negotiation course.
It would be absolutely true for international negotiations or political deal-makings in the complicated world of international relations as well...
Today, like the past, when governments sit for negotiations, one can not deny the ultimate goal of absorbing as much political rights and economical profits for their own leaders and/or people...
Like any other negotiation techniques, there are methods to come on a common satisfaction ground for all parties involved, to leave the table without or with minimum money left ...
Insisting on some unimportant and tiny details to keep and at the same time losing eye on the big-deals is something unforgivable in the opinions of the different walks of people and future generations...
Isolating the country, depriving the local markets from interacting with global trade markets, underestimating the role of international organizations, not paying attention to the resolutions passed by the United Nations causing more and more sanctions and isolations...
And on the national side, Mal-functioning economics,awfully high inflation, severe suppression of human rights and women rights movements, imprisonment of different trade movements, high rates of unemployment, huge number of low-income people struggling for their minimum standards of living, drugs, child and human trafficking ...
Are all the prices and the rights that we neglect and give away with utmost stupidity around this table to stick to an "atomic energy right" which we claim is our ultimate absolute right !!!
Being like a kid and just insisting on having the "Yellow Cake" in our birthday party at which no one from our own people nor from other nationals is present, instead of taking the responsibility of the people and the future of the homeland ... is for sure a tough question we will be faced with somewhere along the history of this country...
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