What are the motives behind our behavior? ...
It could be logic meaning we have found somethings to be logical and thus we have believed in them and they got manifested in our behavior and/or words and actions ...
Yet, there are many behaviors of ours that unfortunately we do not have any logic behind but just we follow certain specific rules in our lives ... calling them "Traditions" ...
Traditions which may be labled as the "Brain and beliefs of the masses" can be referred to as the result of the brains of the generations passed along the newer generations ...
However, although being very firm in roots, it does not guaranteed them to be always "Right" ... thus we always need to be aware of the logical reasons behind the traditions we are following and always be present to this fact that it is always "us and our logic" which makes the traditions as wonderful things to be followed and be passed along to our future generations ...
[Photo: Peaceful snowy day in Bufallo, Beautiful State of New York. Thanks to a dear friend, Mr. Mehdi Ahmadizadeh]
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